This recipe is for my gal, Pia L. A noodle lover.
* For 2 pcs. of chicken breast, sliced into bite size pieces, marinate for at least 20 mins. in:
2 tbsp. Soy sauce
1 tbsp. rice wine
1 tbsp. Cornstarch
bit of salt and pepper
Of course you don't need to do this and just saute the chicken as is. But have you ever wondered why the chicken from the Chinese restaurants are so tender? This is why... :)
* While waiting, fry up 2 scrambled eggs with just a bit of salt.
Cut this up in small pieces.
* Saute the chicken in 2 tbsp. oil and chopped up garlic. (If you didn't marinate the chicken earlier, then you need to add soy sauce here)
* When chicken is ready, add the veggies. Fresh is always better. But if you have the frozen one, then its handy. You can have as much veggies as you want. Its veggies!
- carrots
- green beans
- broccoli
- cabbage
- Chinese cabbage
- bell pepper
- anything that is not juicy like tomatoes.
* When veggies are almost done, add 1/4 cup of water to dilute the cornstarch and have a bit of sauce. (Even if you didn't marinate the chicken) Taste this and add more soy sauce and pepper to your liking. You can also add chili at this point if you want it hot.
* Add in the noodles, turn off the heat and stir.
** Top with the scrambled eggs. Be creative. You can use sliced boiled eggs, chives (or spring onions), squirt of lemon, or coriander leaves.