Although today, it was quite warm that it actually made me take my bike once again. I enjoyed it a lot. Checking out what the market square has to offer. Its not about the shopping, but the fact that everyone is out and about, havin a beer or two at the terraces, lunches with friends, or just merely enjoying the sun, reading a book by the park.
Met Toni and Ria in the center and had a Mexican dinner at Gringos locos. And what do you know??? Ria couldn't ride her bike home, seeing as she was so full and going back home, it is actually uphill.

At Gringos Locos
So, we parked by the Esplanadi park, and got her to buy ice cream by herself for the first time. She got what she wants, so thats a good sign. I know. She's almost seven, and she never really had the chance to have cash on hand and buy something for herself. We don't have "Aling Doning's sari-sari" store on every street corner here. And I think that its better she didn't learn the concept of "trading" very early on in life.
So tomorrow, I might be able to take some pics of the market square, or even just the stands that sells berries and veggies. If its not raining... gotta check the weather news now. :)
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