Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Avocado Ice cream

After a short period of convincing Toni to get an ice cream machine, he finally agreed and got me a nice Cuisinart double bowl ice cream machine. Let's just say, we eat about 2 L of ice cream per week. Maybe lesser during the winter time, but it is definitely balanced during the summer time. So after a few tries, this is my favorite at the moment. Avocado ice cream! I wonder why this is not as exciting as strawberry ice cream to my EU friends. This is one of the most sought after ice cream in the Philippines. And I am just elated to have made such a thick, delicious, out-of-this-world creaminess!

I blended 3/4 cup granulated sugar and 1 ½ cup of whole milk until sugar is dissolved. To this I added 3 medium ripe avocados, a pinch of salt and 1 ½ tbsp of fresh lemon juice. I blended this until my blender is about to complain for its thickness. Then I added 1 and 1/4 cup of double cream, and blended it some more.
Freeze the mixture in the blender pitcher itself for about 1 hour. Then start pouring into the ice cream machine.

Five to ten minutes in the machine, gives you a gelato kind of ice cream, which to me, is just perfect. But if you want hard core ice cream, then freeze it for 2 more hours in the freezer or even overnight before serving.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to try that ice cream recipe of yours.. #ramonfatwillysthefort1999
